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‣ Standard Denture ‣ Premium Denture ‣ ThermoDent Denture ‣ ThermoNatural Denture ‣ Suction Cap Denture ‣ Totally Natural Denture ‣ Implant Dentures ‣ Denture Add Ons
Sleep Apnea/Snore Devices ‣ Focused Snore Device ‣ EMA Device
‣ ThermoDent Combo ‣ ThermoDent RigidFlex Clear Frame ‣ ThermoDent RigidFlex ‣ ThermoDent RigidFlex Tooth Color ‣ TCS Flexible Partial ‣ TCS Flexible Combo
Provisional Devices ‣ ThermoDent OverSmile ‣ ThruTemps
‣ Temporary Stayplates ‣ Elasti-Grip Partial ‣ Chrome Partial
Ortho Appliances
‣ HD Guards ‣ Soft Guards ‣ Hard/Soft Guard ‣ Astron CLEARplint™ ‣ iNDi Brux ‣ SportsGuards
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Stayplates are intermediate appliances and are best prescribed when doing extractions allowing the patient to heal before transitioning to a stronger more secure appliance. Each stayplate comes with two wire clasps.
Bite Block: 2 days
Set Up for Try-In: 3 days
Finish from Try-In: 3 days
Stayplate Straight To Finish: 1-3 days