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‣ Standard Denture ‣ Premium Denture ‣ ThermoDent Denture ‣ ThermoNatural Denture ‣ Suction Cap Denture ‣ Totally Natural Denture ‣ Implant Dentures ‣ Denture Add Ons
Sleep Apnea/Snore Devices ‣ Focused Snore Device ‣ EMA Device
‣ ThermoDent Combo ‣ ThermoDent RigidFlex Clear Frame ‣ ThermoDent RigidFlex ‣ ThermoDent RigidFlex Tooth Color ‣ TCS Flexible Partial ‣ TCS Flexible Combo
Provisional Devices ‣ ThermoDent OverSmile ‣ ThruTemps
‣ Temporary Stayplates ‣ Elasti-Grip Partial ‣ Chrome Partial
Ortho Appliances
‣ HD Guards ‣ Soft Guards ‣ Hard/Soft Guard ‣ Astron CLEARplint™ ‣ iNDi Brux ‣ SportsGuards
Contact Us To Get Started
Combining esthetics with functionality, TCS Combinations are the ideal partial for any patient. Combinations provide great ways to present patients with esthetic appeal, sturdiness and prevention of gum discomfort in the mouth.
Bite Block: 2 days
Set Up for Try-In: 3 days
Finish from Try-In: 3 days